
Compliance Made Easy: Prevent Costly Fines with Our Advanced Disclosure Management Solution


In today’s highly regulated financial services landscape, managing disclosures effectively is one of the keys to an institution’s success. The consequences of non-compliance are significant, including hefty fines, reputational damage and customer dissatisfaction. However, navigating the complexities of regulatory requirements and ensuring consistent, accurate, and timely disclosures can be an arduous and time-consuming process. 

Naehas Disclosure Management offers critical solutions to reduce risk, increase efficiency and ensure brand and regulatory compliance in the financial services industry. This collaborative platform enables users to easily create, manage, and deploy timely, accurate, and consistent disclosures across all channels.

What is a Disclosure Management Solution?

A fully comprehensive disclosure management solution isn’t just about checking boxes. It is an enterprise-wide solution that transforms the way you manage regulatory customer communications. Here are some of the highlights of the Naehas Disclosure Management solution: 

Reduce Regulatory Risk

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One of the primary objectives for any institution is to reduce regulatory risk. By ensuring the timeliness, accuracy and consistency of disclosures throughout their lifecycle, financial institutions can avoid fines and save millions in external legal costs and remediation efforts. The platform provides enterprise-level oversight and auditability by utilizing a number of interlocking tools. These include:

  • Real-time validation checks
  • Version control
  • Compliance audit trail at a field level
  • Schedule notification alerts
  • AI-powered assessments and comparison capabilities

By tracking all disclosure changes, organizations can foster regulatory trust and demonstrate compliance to regulators.

Build and Maintain Customer Trust

What do customers demand? Clear, complete and consistent communication about products, offers and services. Delivering that is essential for building and maintaining customer trust. That trust is key to loyalty and a long-term relationship. It’s easier than ever for customers to switch banks, so giving them a solid reason to stay is a key to your business. 

The Naehas Disclosure Management Solution empowers financial institutions to deliver easy-to-understand, individualized disclosures across all channels. With real-time disclosure personalization capabilities organizations can dynamically generate customized disclosures based on customer profiles, preferences, and product interactions. By doing so, institutions can minimize disclosure-related complaints and boost brand loyalty, ultimately creating lasting relationships with their customers.

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Streamline Complex Processes to Accelerate Speed-to-Market

In an industry where time is of the essence, speed-to-market is a critical competitive advantage. But the traditional approach often involves manual reviews and approvals, which are slow, prone to bottlenecks and errors. 

A comprehensive disclosure management solution enables financial institutions to significantly reduce the time required to create, finalize and deploy disclosures. Leveraging artificial intelligence and automation tools, the platform streamlines the disclosure lifecycle, enabling institutions to respond quickly to changing regulatory requirements and market demands.

You can change your process with a collaborative platform that revolutionizes the disclosure lifecycle. With this solution, authors, reviewers and approvers can seamlessly create, manage and deploy disclosures, mitigating the challenges associated with manual reviews of similar content.

This is more than getting products to the market. The platform utilizes Modular Content, which automatically transforms content to ensure consistent deployment of disclosures across all channels. The user can program messaging based on channel-specific styling and presentation requirements, and the Naehas disclosure management system will do the rest. 

Demand Seamless Integration and Industry Expertise

Many financial organizations rely on legacy systems and disjointed tools, hindering efficiency and collaboration. Naehas understands the unique challenges faced by financial institutions and has collaborated with industry leaders to develop a solution tailored to their needs.

Naehas Disclosure Management integrates seamlessly with existing core banking systems, providing a unified and simplified approach to disclosure management. The platform’s flexible and business-configurable capabilities enable organizations to adapt to evolving regulatory landscapes without the need for IT or developer involvement.

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Take Control of Your Disclosures with Naehas

Financial institutions need to achieve regulatory compliance, while continuing to scale. That requires a partner who understands the industry. Naehas Disclosure Management is the only platform specifically built to manage disclosures within the financial services industry. It offers out-of-the-box features and industry-standard language, best practices and regulations. With a robust compliance audit trail, schedule notification alerts and AI-powered assessments, Naehas empowers institutions to navigate regulatory complexities confidently.

Naehas Disclosure Management equips financial institutions with the tools needed to mitigate risk, increase operational efficiency and ensure compliance in an ever-changing regulatory environment. By reducing regulatory risk, enhancing speed-to-market and providing a purpose-built solution, Naehas enables organizations to thrive in the face of complexity. 

To learn more about Naehas Disclosure Management and how it can transform your disclosure processes, contact the Naehas team at
